Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Retopo has begun!

Retopo on the body is finally done!
So before I even took the body into zbrush it was around 40 000 pollies (thanks to the neakers).
But now after retopo its 2744, so render time should be lightning fast and there is still enough geometry for it to look sick!

EDIT: Had to restert the retop because of a number of reasons, the shoes almost killed me but I worked through them. There are a few triangles but hopefully that wont hinder the deformations. Ill keep workin!

Hey guys, the model is final complete (sorry it took so long) but I learnt sooo much while doing this.
So now Im working on the retopologising of the mesh! So that our charcater isent 1000000 pollies and more like 5000 for fast render and easy animation :)

Ill keep working at it and update when I have done some more.

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